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Prisman Asiakasomistajapäivät ke-su 29.5.-2.6. verkkokaupassa ja myymälöissä!

Lue lisää

Turku is one of the most charming cities on the Baltic Sea coast. The city has an impressive history: in the Middle Ages, Turku was the centre of the eastern parts of the Kingdom of Sweden, then the capital of Autonomic Finland under Tsarist Russia. Historic universities, a bustling port, and diverse culture make present-day Turku an international meeting place. Grown around the 700-year-old Cathedral, Turku is the ecclesiastical centre of Finland. Turku was nominated European Capital of Culture 2011. Turku Impressions introduces the historical city of Turku and its beautiful natural surroundings. Treasures cherished by the Turku people, such as the unique archipelago and the Aura River, gracefully flowing through the city, have a prominent place on these pages.

Heikkilä, Turku (Turku Impressions venäjä)

15,73 €

Normaalihinta 18,50 €



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  • Ilmainen toimitus Postin nouto­pisteeseen yli 100 € ostoksille.
  • Asiakasomistajalle Bonusta jopa 5 %.

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