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Prisman Asiakasomistajapäivät ke-su 29.5.-2.6. verkkokaupassa ja myymälöissä!

Lue lisää

Simply Scandinavian is a unique combination of Finnish cousine, nature and design, all presented through the diversity of changing seasons. Even with the most modern receipies the book stays true to the traditional Finnish culinary tastes combining them with the present. Plants like dandelion, common wood sorrel and birch sap give a unique twist to the culinary delights. The recipes are introduced through the seasons based on the products available at the time. Exceptional Finnish dishes are wonderfully displayed on Iittala tableware and every Iittala enthusiast is delighted to find these world famous objects on the pages of this seriously delicious book.

Kallio, Simply scandinavian

11,86 €

Normaalihinta 13,95 €



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