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Prisman Asiakasomistajapäivät ke-su 29.5.-2.6. verkkokaupassa ja myymälöissä!

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An absolute classic! Bolsius's white-coloured pillar candle boasts a full 20cm in height and burns for a good 120 hours. Every Bolsius candle is made with skilled craftsmanship and with a sharp focus on quality. The candles don't soot and there's no smoulder or smoke when you burn the candles. Bolsius's pillar candles maintain their shape, and the cotton wick (also called the candlewick) is weaved in such a way that your candle always burns with a stable flame. You can combine candles of different colours and sizes to create a nice and cosy ambience. Enjoy natural candlelight within the comfort of your own home!

Bolsius Pilari kynttilä 200/100 ce1 White

8,45 €


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